Workout Wednesday – Stair Work

Last week while traveling I made it a point to hit the gym each day.   Not surprisingly, there were a lot of other people who made the same point and it was often packed.

I took this as an opportunity to do some serious leg work in the stair well.

Don’t think this is for you?   Think again, my friends. 🙂

Go to the nearest football stadium, find the stairwell at your work, use your own stairs at home, etc.   You can always find stairs.

Did you know that Omaha does a Trek Up the Tower event each year?.   Trek Up the Tower is the region’s premier vertical challenge race to the top of the First National Tower in downtown Omaha. Each year, hundreds take the challenge and climb 870 stairs to the top. Event proceeds support WELLCOM’s mission of building a healthier community through workplace wellness and health promotion.

This workout will help get those muscles trained if you are participating!




Pick and choose.    DO a couple flights of sprinting, a couple flights of hop squat, all sprinting, all skip a step….   Dang, man.  You’ve got CHOICES.

My legs were talking when I completed this workout!   44 flights.   Roughly 700ish stairs.

Doesn’t seem like much – but trust me.    It’s enough.




Moving along… I have to tell you I took Champ on a walk with me last night.   One block in and I decided to kick it up to a jog.   2 miles later and I can guarantee I had the fastest 2 mile pace I’ve ever had.

Dude – Champ is the KING of pulling.



We had to celebrate with a selfie of course!



And now, on this beautiful Workout Wednesday – I made it to the gym by 5am for a 5 minute elliptical warm-up, followed by a weight lifting circuit of all shoulder work (doing my hair is proving difficult this morning after THAT doozy of a lifting session) and ended with 10 minutes on the stair-master.

Can I get a hell ya?  

Getting it done.

To close – I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom from ol’ Leo.





2 thoughts on “Workout Wednesday – Stair Work

  1. Are you doing the Trek Up the Tower? Last year was the first time I had ever heard about it & thought there was no way I could do it. Stairs are no joke but I’m slightly considering doing it!


    • No. Its so expensive! Yikes. Im all for spending that kind of money on a half-marathon but couldnt swallow that price for a quick run up the stairs. LOL. You can totally do it. Plenty of time to get some stairwork training done!


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